Badlands | True RomanceHow Terrence Malick’s legendary debut film influenced Tony Scott’s Tarantino-scripted romantic crime caperMay 3, 20211May 3, 20211
Chinatown | BrickHow Roman Polanski’s beloved neo-noir classic influenced Rian Johnson’s directorial debutFeb 16, 2021Feb 16, 2021
American Graffiti | Dazed and ConfusedHow Lucas’s time capsule of 1960s teenagerdom influenced Linklater’s love letter to 1970s high school lifeFeb 8, 2021Feb 8, 2021
A Clockwork Orange | TrainspottingHow Kubrick’s “ultra-violent” dystopian crime film influenced Boyle’s breakout dark comedyFeb 1, 2021Feb 1, 2021